Results for 'Caio Cesar Tomioto Mendes'

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  1.  15
    A restauração da infâmia.Caio Cesar Tomioto Mendes - 2020 - São Paulo, SP: Tirant lo Blanch.
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    O Niilismo e a Afirmação Ética: A Leitura Deleuziana de Nietzsche e Foucault.Caio Cesar do Nascimento Paz - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 31 (31):72-84.
    Neste artigo, apresento a maneira como o filósofo francês Gilles Deleuze aproxima algumas formulações de Michel Foucault das de Friedrich Nietzsche. Procuro evidenciar como essa aproximação cumpre o papel bastante preciso de criticar o niilismo. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é apresentar, através dessa aproximação, a leitura deleuziana de Nietzsche e de Foucault e mostrar como ela é uma estratégia do filósofo para questionar a estrutura negativa da dialética e do niilismo a que ela está ligada. A fim de realizar (...)
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    Dewey e Simondon.Caio César Cabral - 2022 - Cognitio 23 (1):e58938.
    Nosso objetivo, no presente artigo, é propor uma articulação entre a teoria da individuação de Gilbert Simondon e a teoria da investigação de John Dewey. Em relação à primeira, serão enfatizados os aspectos “biológico” e “psíquico” de individuação; quanto à segunda, ressaltaremos seus principais elementos naturalistas e epistemológicos, assim como os conceitos mais gerais de “experiência” e de “natureza” de Dewey. Defenderemos que o processo de individuação tem estreita relação com a capacidade, possuída por todo indivíduo vivo, de solucionar problemas (...)
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    How old is the Hebrew Bible? A linguistic, textual, and historical study.Caio Cesar Dias Peres - forthcoming - Horizonte:877.
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    Reflections on Epistemic-Ontological Alignment in Theorizing Process: the Case of RBV.Júlio César da Costa Júnior, Leandro da Silva Nascimento, Taciana de Barros Jerônimo, Jackeline Amantino de Andrade & Marcos André Mendes Primo - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (2):179-198.
    Although from a philosophical perspective, many reflections can be brought up about the theorizing process, in this essay, we aim to reflect on the importance of the alignment between ontology and epistemology. This is particularly relevant because deeper discussions about the philosophical roots that underlay the theorizing processes remain as a lack in organizational and management studies. To support our work, we adopted the epistemic-ontological alignment model as a conceptual tool and the Resource-Based View (RBV) and some of its questionings (...)
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    Quantale Valued Sets: Categorical Constructions and Properties.José G. Alvim, Hugo L. Mariano & Caio de A. Mendes - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-54.
    This work mainly concerns the—here introduced—category of \(\mathscr {Q}\) -sets and functional morphisms, where \(\mathscr {Q}\) is a commutative semicartesian quantale. We prove it enjoys all limits and colimits, that it has a classifier for regular subobjects (a sort of truth-values object), which we characterize and give explicitly. Moreover: we prove it to be \(\kappa \) -locally presentable, (where \(\kappa =max\{|\mathscr {Q}|^+, \aleph _0\}\) ); we also describe a hierarchy of monoidal structures in this category.
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    Sport and Exercise Psychology Studies in Brazil: Performance or Health?Lenamar Fiorese, André Luiz Felix Rodacki, Nayara Malheiros Caruzzo, Caio Rosas Moreira, Andressa Ribeiro Contreira, Aline Mendes de Lima, Leonardo de Sousa Fortes, João Ricardo Nickenig Vissoci & Joice Mara Facco Stefanello - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Ape metaphysics: Object individuation without language.Natacha Mendes, Hannes Rakoczy & Josep Call - 2008 - Cognition 106 (2):730-749.
  9.  3
    Caio: cair até inventar onda.Caio Riscado - 2022 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 28 (2).
    Caio: cair até inventar onda é uma palestra-performance interessada em propor conversas sobre a queda e o fracasso. Um arquivo corrompido sobre a história de um nome. Uma paisagem vestida com o uniforme da falha. Através do dispositivo da palestra-performance como modo de apresentação, demonstração e pesquisa em arte, o texto investiga a noção de autobiografia, propondo a inespecificidade, ou seja, o não pertencimento a uma categoria específica da arte, como norte para a formalização de novos relatos.
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    Die Gegenwärtigkeit deutsch-jüdischen Denkens: Festschrift für Paul Mendes-Flohr.Julia Matveev, Paul R. Mendes-Flohr & Ashraf Noor (eds.) - 2011 - München: Wilhelm Fink.
    Die exponierten Vertreter des deutsch-jüdischen Denkens tragen Spannun-gen aus, die für die Moderne kenn-zeichnend sind. Die Erfahrung des Lebens innerhalb vielfältiger, oft miteinander konfligie-render Sinnzusammenhänge, wird in diesem Denken zum Ausdruck ge-bracht. Die Forschung Paul Mendes-Flohrs widmet sich der Philosophie, der Literatur und der Kulturgeschichte des deutschen Judentums unter die-sem Aspekt. In diesem Sammelband sind Beiträge enthalten, die das deutsch-jüdische Denken und damit verwandte Themen als Prisma der Moderne betrachten.
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    Appropriating Video Surveillance for Art and Environmental Awareness: Experiences from ARTiVIS.Mónica Mendes, Pedro Ângelo, Nuno Correia & Valentina Nisi - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (3):947-970.
    Arts, Real-Time Video and Interactivity for Sustainability is an ongoing collaborative research project investigating how real-time video, DIY surveillance technologies and sensor data can be used as a tool for environmental awareness, activism and artistic explorations. The project consists of a series of digital contexts for aesthetic contemplation of nature and civic engagement, aiming to foster awareness and empowerment of local populations through DIY surveillance. At the core of the ARTIVIS efforts are a series of interactive installations, that make use (...)
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  12. Weakened Links Between Mind and Body in Older Age: The Case for Maturational Dualism in the Experience of Emotion.Wendy Berry Mendes - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (3):240-244.
    As neuroscience methods begin to dominate emotion research it is critical for researchers to remember that peripheral embodiments are critical to understanding emotional experience and emotion—behavior links. Much of modern emotion research assumes reliable mind—body connections that suggest that changes in emotional states influence bodily responses and, vice versa, that somatovisceral information shapes emotional experiences. However, there may be important qualifications to the link between the mind and the (peripheral) body. For example, the ability to sense internal and external bodily (...)
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    Thinking Planetary Thinking.João Ribeiro Mendes - 2023 - Filozofia 78 (10S):24-37.
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  14. Apropriação da linguagem.Cláudia Maria Mendes Gontijo - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2).
    Resumo Palavras-chave: : Keywords : Literacy. Written language. Children The work discusses the results of a longitudinal research, which lasted for two years, aiming at investigating how children aged between five and six years old, studying at a children education institution, appropriate themselves with the written language. It uses the instrumental or the historical-genetic method, elaborated by Vygotski (1997) and collaborators, in order to study the development of superior psychological functions. The results indicate: a) children acknowledge the mnemonic function or (...)
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  15.  27
    Argumentação teológica: a existência de Deus. Entender a necessidade da existência de Deus para o sentido da vida e a racionalidade da fé.Alex da Silva Mendes - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (17):154-167.
    At first, it must be said that the existence of God is the great affirmation presupposed by the Bible. The Bible does not attempt to prove the existence of God, it simply takes this existence as a fact. The great Reformed theologian Louis Berkhof says: "For us the existence of God is the great presupposition of theology." In fact, no theologian could deny the existence of God, as this automatically would cause him to be without profession. But throughout history, philosophers (...)
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    Das atom und die Philosophie.Georg Mende - 1960 - Berlin,: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften.
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    Fa lü yan jiu gai shu =.João de Castro Mendes - 2009 - [Aomen]: Aomen da xue fa xue yuan. Edited by Xianhui Huang.
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    Histories of Technicization: On the Relation of Conceptual History and Metaphorology in Hans Blumenberg.Dirk Mende - 2012 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2012 (158):59-79.
    ExcerptA series of recent works have explored Hans Blumenberg's metaphorology in its relation to anthropology and the hermeneutics of the lifeworld.1 In what follows, I would like to foreground another aspect of his work by describing the metaphorology and the earlier works on the history of philosophy as works of discourse analysis. From such a perspective, linguistic forms appear less as the expression of anthropological and lifeworld circumstances than as the continuation and transformation of intra-discursive, historical-systematic decisions. I suggest that (...)
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    No vazio de uma dist'ncia tomada: Althusser e a Prática da Filosofia.Alexandre Pinto Mendes - 2011 - Cadernos Espinosanos 25:89.
    Nosso objetivo é discutir as condições e implicações do deslocamento realizado por Althusser entre a definção da filosofia como “teoria da prática teórica” e a definição da filosofia como luta e tomada de posição sobre o vazio. Levantamos a hipótese sobre se seria adequado aplicar à obra de althusser o conceito de ruptura ou corte epistemológico, o que nos permitiria compreender a passagem do materialismo dialético ao materialismo dos encontros ou aleatório como “revolução teórica” do próprio Althusser.
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    Padre António Vieira, o teólogo.Alex da Silva Mendes - 2017 - Revista de Teologia 11 (19):130-150.
    O profundo enraizamento de Vieira em sua época não o impediu de ser aberto ao diálogo com as diferentes categorias de pessoas e atento a tudo o que podia ajudar a compreender os acontecimentos de seu tempo. Para esse jesuíta do século XVII, pensar a vida humana implica muito mais que uma análise contextual da política, da economia, da vida social. Para António Vieira, a Palavra de Deus é a chave hermenêutica dessa reflexão. Ela denuncia os desvios, esclarece, ajusta, purifica (...)
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  21.  10
    Rasuras e refrões: Derrida e Deleuze entre bambas, matutos e foliões.Walcler Mendes Junior - 2015 - Maceió: Edufal, Editora da Universidade Federal de Alagoas.
  22.  28
    Transmission par-delà les gènes : propos sur le don de gamètes dans différents cas de paternité.Nicolas Mendes, François Pommier & Agnès Condat - 2018 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 219 (1):25.
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    On the opportunistic nature of transcription and replication initiation in the metazoan genome.Joana Sequeira-Mendes & María Gómez - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (2):119-125.
    Cellular identity and its response to external or internal signalling variations are encoded in a cell's genome as regulatory information. The genomic regions that specify this type of information are highly variable and degenerated in their sequence determinants, as it is becoming increasingly evident through the application of genome‐scale methods to study gene expression. Here, we speculate that the same scenario applies to the regulatory regions controlling where DNA replication starts in the metazoan genome. We propose that replication origins cannot (...)
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  24.  16
    The Poetics of Listening.Paul Mendes-Flohr - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):83-91.
    Noting that one may hear without listening, the article probes the phenomenological and epistemic distinction between hearing and listening. To listen is to be attuned to voices muffled by silence or camouflaged by a defensive rhetoric resonant with a voice inflected by festering wounds, existential and political. In exploring how one is to listen to these voices of silence, I draw upon Martin Buber’s concept of dialogical “inclusion” of others’ stories, to listen without interpretation to allow the voice behind his (...)
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    A Study of the Ethical Dilemmas Experienced by School Psychologists in Portugal.Sofia A. Mendes, Inês M. G. Nascimento, Isabel M. P. Abreu-Lima & Leandro S. Almeida - 2016 - Ethics and Behavior 26 (5):395-414.
    This study examines the ethical dilemmas and difficulties encountered by Portuguese school psychologists. As part of a larger survey, participants were asked about ethical issues faced in daily practice and asked to describe ethical incidents. Of the 477 respondents, 274 reported 441 ethically troubling or challenging situations. Responses were coded into a six-category system based on the code of ethics of Portuguese psychologists. Most of the reported dilemmas concerned privacy and confidentiality principles. Results are discussed in light of relevant literature (...)
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  26. On material and logical implication: clarifying some common little mistakes.Renato Mendes Rocha - 2013 - Intuitio 6 (2):239-252.
    The aim of this paper is to clarify the truth-functional interpretation of the logical connective of the material implication. The importance of such clarification lies in the fact that it allows avoiding the supposed paradoxes introduced by C. I. Lewis (1918). I argue that an adequate understanding of the history and purposes of logic is enough to dissolve them away. The defense is based on an exposition of propositional compositionalism. To compare, I also present Stalnaker’s (1968) alternative that seeks to (...)
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    Dialogue as a trans-disciplinary concept: Martin Buber's philosophy of dialogue and its contemporary reception.Paul R. Mendes-Flohr (ed.) - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This volume of essays takes as its point of departure Martin Buber's principle of dialogue, which he applied as a comprehensive hermeneutic method for the study of various cultural phenomena. The volume critically evaluates the methodological purchase to be gained by the introduction of Buber's conception of dialogue in political theory, psychology and psychiatry, and religious studies.
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    Scenography, Setting and Ethical World in Jogo de Cena [Scene Game]: A Discursive Approach.Silma Ramos Coimbra Mendes & Maria Cecília Pérez de Souza-E.-Silva - 2022 - Bakhtiniana 17 (3):83-104.
    ABSTRACT Among Eduardo Coutinho’s vast production, the documentary Jogo de cena stands out and is celebrated as being the centerpiece of the filmmaker's filmography, in which the interviews occupy a central place. The purpose of this article is to reflect upon these interviews, discursively, based on: speech scenes put in perspective and in relation to the aesthetic choices and materiality of the documentary; nature of the interviewer-interviewee relationship, marked by the refusal of an “alleged neutrality” and the production of settings, (...)
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    Lei de cotas – reserva de vagas e ações afirmativas no médio integrado do IFTO – Campus Dianópolis.Roselaine Gusson Mendes & Maria do Carmo Meirelles Toledo Cruz - 2022 - Odeere 7 (2):155-173.
    Neste trabalho, apresenta-se a análise das matrículas e da implementação da Lei Federal n. 12.711/2012, conhecida como Lei de Cotas e Ações Afirmativas, para ingresso nos Cursos Técnicos de Agropecuária e Informática na forma Integrada ao Ensino Médio, no Instituto Federal do Tocantins (IFTO) – Campus Dianópolis, no período de 2014 a 2018. A partir do estudo dessa Lei, do Decreto n. 7.824/2012, da Portaria Normativa do Ministério da Educação (MEC) n. 18/2012 e dos editais publicados pelo Instituto, foi realizado (...)
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    Business authority in global governance: Companies beyond public and private roles.Janne Mende - 2023 - Journal of International Political Theory 19 (2):200-220.
    International studies investigate the governance authority of state versus non-state actors in terms of their public or private authority. However, the public–private distinction does not sufficiently capture the variety of governance actors, or the forms of their authority, beyond that distinction. Focussing on businesses, this paper argues that certain governance actors assume public and private roles, as well as a third category of roles it calls ‘societal’ that transcend notions of public and private. To understand these roles and how they (...)
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    Wither the plurality of decolonising the curriculum? Safe spaces and identitarian politics in the arts and humanities classroom.Ana Mendes & Lisa Lau - 2022 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 21 (3):223-239.
    Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, Volume 21, Issue 3, Page 223-239, July 2022. Contributing to the debate on decolonising the curriculum, this reflective article questions: What does a safe space in a decolonised classroom mean? For whom is it safe? And at what cost? Must we redraw the parameters of ‘safe’? Prompted by a real-life ‘n-word incident’ in the classroom, this article unpacks the collision of decolonising the curriculum to continue making teaching and learning more pluriversal and inclusive, with (...)
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  32. O pessimismo schopenhaueriano: Um estudo de “Sobre o sofrimento do mundo”.André Henrique Mendes Viana de Oliveira - 2010 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 1 (1):22-39.
    Neste artigo tentaremos inicialmente esclarecer os conceitos centrais da filosofia schopenhaueriana, apresentados principalmente em O mundo como vontade e como representação , para em seguida analisarmos os efeitos que a tese basilar desta obra acarreta para a compreensão de alguns problemas; como o da existência humana, o sofrimento, a negação e a afirmação da vontade de vida, entre outros que a dimensão ética comporta. Para isto, faremos uma análise sistemática de outros textos em que o filósofo trata diretamente destas questões, (...)
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  33. Alguns apontamentos sobre o conceito de fronteira e o papel do advogado na vida social.Miranda Mendes - 1974 - Porto: [S.N.].
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    A ditadura militar brasileira à Luz da filosofia política de Giorgio Agamben.Elger Mendes dos Mendes - 2018 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 9 (17):60-78.
    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma reflexão da ditadura civil militar brasileira com os conceitos filosóficos políticos de Giorgio Agamben. Procuramos analisar os conceitos de vida nua, estado de exceção e campo os quais serão elementos essências que nos permitirão fazer uma reflexão sobre a Ditadura civil militar brasileira sobre um ponto de vista filosófico político.
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    A vida e a morte segundo Aquiles: notas para uma análise da compreensao de Aquiles acerca da naturaleza e da condiçao humanas.Luís Mendes - 2012 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 68 (3):375-390.
    Resumo Neste estudo o autor procura analisar a compreensão da natureza humana que está subjacente às palavras de Aquiles, na Ilíada, IX,318-320 e na Odisseia, XI,489-491. Segundo o autor, Aquiles é portador de uma interpretação da condição humana que traduz uma determinada compreensão do que significa ser humano. De modo a deixar ver a compreensão da natureza humana presente nas palavras de Aquiles, o autor recorre a indícios encontrados noutros pontos das obras homéricas referidas, relacionando as concepções presentes nos dois (...)
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    « Der » neue Mensch « im Taylor-Takt

    Frühsowjetische Debatten über Rhythmus und Biopolitik ».
    Wolfgang Mende - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2013 (1):87-98.
    Der Beitrag fragt nach den Spezifika des Rhythmus-Diskurses in der frühen Sowjetunion unter dem Vorzeichen eine mechanistischen Menschenbilds. Rhythmus wurde vielfach nicht mehr als Reflex der »Natur« oder des »Lebens«, sondern als technisch regulierbare Größe gehandelt, die gleichwohl eine elementare Macht über den Menschen ausübt. Die tayloristische Arbeitsforschung und der davon inspirierte Konstruktivismus sahen in dieser Macht ein erstrangiges Mittel zur physischen Rekonstruktion des Menschen. Um 1930 verfielen solche Vorstellungen einer scharfen Kritik, wie an der Kampagne gegen den Foxtrott gezeigt (...)
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    Der »neue Mensch« im Taylor-Takt.Wolfgang Mende - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2013 (1):84-95.
    Der Beitrag fragt nach den Spezifika des Rhythmus-Diskurses in der frühen Sowjetunion unter dem Vorzeichen eines mechanistischen Menschenbilds. Rhythmus wurde vielfach nicht mehr als Reflex der »Natur« oder des »Lebens«, sondern als technisch regulierbare Größe gehandelt, die gleichwohl eine elementare Macht über den Menschen ausübt. Die tayloristische Arbeitsforschung und der davon inspirierte Konstruktivismus sahen in dieser Macht ein erstrangiges Mittel zur physischen Rekonstruktion des Menschen. Um 1930 verfielen solche Vorstellungen einer scharfen Kritik, wie an der Kampagne gegen den Foxtrott gezeigt (...)
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    Foreword.Paul Mendes-Flohr - 2007 - Naharaim - Zeitschrift Für Deutsch-Jüdische Literatur Und Kulturgeschichte 1 (1):III-IV.
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    Filosofia.Humanismo.Utopia.Joao Pedro Mendes - 1997 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 2 (2):33-44.
    Até o início da idade moderna,Deus ocupava o centro do universo.Os humanistas da renascença elaboraram uma nova imagem do mundo,cujo senhor era o homem.A natureza foi devassada e 'desencantada':uma nova aliança substituiu a antiga.Parece que se materializaram os 'não-lugares' de todas as utopias.Contudo,todas elas padeciam de grave doença:não conseguiam discernir possibilidades reais de impossibilidades.
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  40. Ḥokhmat Yiśraʼel: hebeṭim hisṭoriyim u-filosofiyim.Paul R. Mendes-Flohr (ed.) - 1979 - Yerushalayim: ha-Ḥevrah ha-hisṭorit ha-Yiśreʼelit.
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    (1 other version)L'interculturalité à l'heure de l'hybridation communicationnelle.Laan Mendes de Barros - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 56 (1):173.
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    Minha experiência italiana com o coronavírus: um sobrevoo pela atual pandemia a partir de epistemologias feministas.Gigliola Mendes - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11:e27.
    A pandemia da covid-19 talvez tenha se tornado o principal desafio global da atualidade – e não mais uma especulação ou expectativa. Na Itália, onde atualmente realizo estágio doutoral, a crise sanitária superou as piores previsões, vitimando mais civis que na Segunda Guerra. Como mulher e estrangeira experienciando outra cultura e seus códigos, proponho pensar sobre a crise italiana do coronavírus, guiando-me por epistemologias feministas que permitem compreender esta experiência e suas implicações – como a perspectiva da filósofa Chiara Zamboni (...)
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    O que é isto – habitar, em Martin Heidegger?Everaldo dos Santos Mendes - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (14):195-199.
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  44. Schriften zur zionistischen Politik und zur jüdisch-arabischen Frage.Herausgegeben Und Kommentiert von Samuel Hayim Brody Und Paul Mendes-Flohr & Eingeleitet von Paul Mendes-Flohr - 2001 - In Martin Buber, Paul R. Mendes-Flohr, Peter Schäfer, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften & Akademyah Ha-le Umit Ha-Yi Sre Elit le-Mada Im, Werkausgabe. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
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    What is spatial planning saying? A conceptual and methodological framework to assess the institutionalization of nature using critical discourse analysis.Rúben Mendes, Teresa Fidélis, Peter Roebling, Filipe Teles & Michael Farrelly - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (3):274-292.
    Spatial planning policies are fundamental blocks for the implementation of sustainable development goals. Still, despite the growing adoption of environmental proxies, as it is nature-based solutions, the study of their institutionalization in policy and spatial planning is in the early stages. Simultaneously, the use of discursive and interpretative methods to unfold the social structures related to environmental issues is growing, nonetheless, their application is more common to supranational narratives. This article proposes a conceptual and methodological approach to using critical discourse (...)
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    Coronavirus misinformation and the political scenario: the science cannot be ‘another’ barrier.Marcelo Simões Mendes - 2020 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 15 (1):1-2.
    The sensible and conflicting scenario of the pandemic postulated many challenges to societies around the world in 2020. Part of this problem refers to how the differences between politics and science are not comprehended in their particularities. The recognition of limits and power of science and politics can not only contribute to reaching the actions and strategies facing novel coronavirus but also optimized many domains of society.
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    A long way to understanding cultural evolution.Mende Werner & Wermke Kathleen - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):359.
    Understanding cultural evolution is one of the most challenging and indispensable scientific tasks for the survival of humankind on our planet. This task demands, besides an adoption of theories and models from biological evolution, theories for culture-specific processes as well. Language evolution and language acquisition offer interesting objects of study in this respect. (Published Online November 9 2006).
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    Freedom Without Responsibility: the Promise of Bolsonaro’s COVID-19 Denial.Conrado Hübner Mendes & Thomas Bustamante - 2021 - Jus Cogens 3 (2):181-207.
    Jair Bolsonaro, the current President of Brazil, has made himself into one of the most influent advocates of COVID-19 denial. His health policy and his political doctrine are partly based on an implicit moral claim, which is neglected by contemporary political theory. Bolsonarism’s rhetoric raises a moral claim to freedom without responsibility, which relieves its followers from the burdens that emerge from liberal accounts of liberty or from basic goods accepted in a political community. In opposition to liberal or communitarian (...)
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  49.  23
    Martin Buber: A Life of Faith and Dissent.Paul Mendes-Flohr - 2019 - London: Yale University Press.
    _The first major biography in English in over thirty years of the seminal modern Jewish thinker Martin Buber_ An authority on the twentieth‑century philosopher Martin Buber, Paul Mendes-Flohr offers the first major biography in English in thirty years of this seminal modern Jewish thinker. The book is organized around several key moments, such as his sudden abandonment by his mother when he was a child of three, a foundational trauma that, Mendes-Flohr shows, left an enduring mark on Buber’s (...)
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  50. The Concept of Modern Slavery: Definition, Critique, and the Human Rights Frame.Janne Mende - 2019 - Human Rights Review 20 (2):229-248.
    Modern slavery is a major topic of concern in international law and global governance, in civil society, and in academic debates. Yet, what does modern slavery mean, and can its highly different forms be covered in a single concept? This paper discusses these questions in three steps: First, it develops common definitions of modern slavery. Second, it discusses critical rejections of these definitions. The two camps that adhere to the definitions of modern slavery, and that reject them, respectively, face certain (...)
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